Sunday, October 12, 2008

Advanced Selling on Ebay

Advanced Selling on Ebay

Announcing A Little-Known Revolutionary Secret That Will Allow You To Finally Succeed And Cash In on eBay!
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have a knack for turning eBay into their own personal cash cow? Is it frustrating to hear about one more success story from someone selling on the popular auction site?
Well, wonder no more. "Advanced Selling on eBay" is just what you need to finally succeed in your own eBay business. This is not just one more stale treatise on how to sell your junk. Not hardly.
"Advanced Selling on eBay" is exactly what the name implies. It is an advanced guide that takes you through the insider secrets to turning eBay into your own personal money tap that you can turn on and off at will.
Here's what you will learn inside:
Should I Open an Ebay Store?
Should I Get My Own Website and Also Use EBay?
Building Your Mailing List
How to Email Your List About a New Product.
How Do I Calculate eBay Fees Quickly?
More Sales and Less Profit per Item
How Should I Submit My Website to Search Engines?
What Should I Send My Customers After the Sale?
Can You Advertise in Your Own Auctions?
Should I Overcharge on Shipping?
Can I Get Shipping Supplies for Free?
What's With all the Hype About eBay Express?
Where, Online, can I Find Out What EBay is REALLY up to?
What should I do about an unpaid item?
Are There Other ecommerce Sites That I can Sell on?
Should I Use Best Offers in My Listings, Even if I Don't Like
Dealing With Cheapskates?
What are Some Good Sites to Advertise My Business on?
Can I Sell on eBay Forever?
Why do Some Sellers Hate eBay?
Do you have Other Tips to Help Me Run a Business?
The Top Ten Mistakes Sellers Make in Their Titles and Listings
With our 100% money back guarantee you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
The next move is up to you. "Advanced Selling on eBay" is as risk-free as an offer can come. You and I both know that if you've read this far in the letter, you're seriously interested in improving your business and personal income.
All that's left to do now is take action.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Starting Right With eBay

Chances are pretty good that you almost clicked away as soon as you say the word "eBay!" Be glad you hung in with us! This is definitely the last eBay Guide you will ever need.
Shocking but true, the majority of marketers using eBay to create their online wealth rarely make enough money to cover their ad placement. You see, most of them have fallen prey to the enormous number of "get rich quick with eBay schemes" that are prevalent online.
Most of these cite outrageous claims telling you that all you need to do is list your item on eBay and people will flock to your offer throwing you fists full of money. Ridiculous? Yes, but still, many people want so badly to believe that they jump at anything!
All these outlandish claims do is sour the pot for legitimate eBay marketers. Yes, there is still money to be made using the eBay model. What's important, however, is that you need to know the right way to get started!
"Starting Right with eBay" cuts straight through all the hype and ridiculous claims and earns the right to be a "coveted" online publication. Tim Swike gets right to the point in easy to understand language and blows away all the mystique leaving you with nothing but great ideas that you can put to work immediately! Take a look at what he shares:

Getting started the right way - everything you need to know BEFORE you jump in
What should you sell
Learn all about taxes and lawyer speak
What are the different types of auctions (What, you thought there was just one!)
Staying out of trouble
Learn the language, the eBay language that is
Posting your very first auction
Have you got a good reputation - this will make or break you!
Ten sure-fire ways to kill your eBay business
Part time or full time?
Growing your other business using the eBay model
What about the supply and sales side lighty businesses
Writing your titles - including samples
10 tips to increase your responses
Buy now or bid? Learn what to do.
What to do AFTER you win the auction
eBay has it's own Scotland Yard
Solving disputes
All about collectibles
Avoiding eBay automobile and computer scams
Beware of any eBay marketing information that promises you untold wealth and riches. "Starting Right with eBay" promises you a simple, practical approach to starting your eBay business the right way.
Honest, legal and above board "Starting Right with eBay" does not apologize for giving you the plain, unadulterated facts about starting your own auction business. Check it out and we are sure you will agree that this is not some of the same old - same old rehashed information.
Act now and you can be starting your own new eBay business within minutes of downloading your own copy! eBay is not dead if you are armed with the right information and get off on the right foot! "Starting Right with eBay" gives you a huge jump start over any other competitors.
Get your copy right now. Don't wait - you are wasting precious time.

Internet Money Revealed !

If You Can Click Your MouseYou Can Make At Least$900 Per MonthWithout Really Trying
. . .and it isn't another Internet Marketing Program!
Before you give up on Internet Money and throw in the towel you need to listen up. YOU CAN make a good income online. It doesn't need to be untold riches but what if you could make an extra $900 a month?
Do you have any idea what a difference an extra $900 a month could mean in the life of the normal person currently working a 9 to 5 job? Or, the stay at home Mom? Or the wannabe stay at home Mom?
The truth is we live in pretty precarious economical times. Forget about the national debt and what is happening to the global market,
What is happening to YOU?
It's getting harder and harder to stretch that dollar when its value is shrinking day to day!

Here's a question for you:Did you know there is NO ceiling on Internet Wealth? Unlike a job where you look to the highest paid worker and you say to yourself, "that’s the top, that’s as far as I can go in this field, and that’s the most money I can make."
You can turn your computer into a Sales Machine
You can make money sitting at home
How much you make will be up to you!
Award Winning Author and Internet Guru, Teresa King, talked with 179 people on the telephone between August and November 2004.
She spoke with people who were brand new on the Internet. She spoke with people who are still trying to figure out how to make money on the Internet after four years!
What did she learn?
What she discovered was that most people have seen a lot of hype and most of them KNOW you have to make your first $100.00 before you are going to make zillions.
However what really intrigued her was the people she talked to reallyjust wanted to improve their life, feel more secure, have some extramoney and take some stress off their back.
When asked was, what would make a nice cushion of extra money each month. She got answers from $300 to $1,500.00 extra per month would be wonderful and go a long ways toward relieving the stress!
So, she thought, let's go for an average. What can a person like youdo to make an extra $900.00 per month?
What would that $900 extra per month mean to you? Would you:
Climb out of Debt
Send your child to a better school
Upgrade your House
Move to a better neighborhood
Eat better
Invest for your future?
They also told her that they didn't need any more marketing plans or programs. They wanted no more hype, no garbage. They wanted a plain, easy to understand guideline.
Here it is - Right Here - Right NowAnd, it's what you've been waiting for!
Finally, a Complete Comprehensive Five Volume Make Money Course that will tell you what you need to know to make $900.00 Plus Per Month on the Internet.You don't have to scrape the bottom of the barrel each month trying to make ends meet. You don't have to worry that your retirement isn't going to support you in the future.
"Hint, when you make $900.00 - You will know how to make more than $900." It's your turn! The time is NOW!
This Five Volume Study Guide tells you how to:
Tap into the Creativity in your Mind. . . brainstorm your productUnleash the Power of the Internet. . . research your productLearn what the experts do to. . . develop your productPut Your Sales Package Together. . . set your product up for saleMake Internet Money. . . market your product
Once you have your product set up and the wheels turning, you reap the rewards of your time and investment.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Internet Promotion For beginners

. . .learn everything you need to know for huge profits online

Are you sick and tired of being knocked around from pillar to post by money making schemes? Have you read tons of so-called internet business e-books, courses and tele-seminars only to be left feeling even more confused and disappointed?
If you are like most folks you have probably invested in:
Countless "how to" e-books promising overnight riches. All you need is to buy their book or course!
Time. . .working yourself crazy just to earn a measly single digit commission check!
Spent hours learning how to and building sites for little to no return.
Wasted hours reading reports from "experts" but walking away feeling that they're hiding the "true" secrets from you...

If you are totally fed up with all the empty promises about making a fortune online. If you doubt the stories that all the so-called "gurus" are touting just to sell another over-priced ebook or course, stay right where you are because there is good news!
Internet Promotion for Beginners is not just another carbon copy of one of those over-priced products. Let's face it, with so much hype going on it is really hard to know what works and what doesn't.
What works is knowledge. The more you know, the more you will grow. What can you expect from Internet Promotion for Beginners? Glad you asked. . .take a look:
Why you need a website
Web page building basics
Keywords and what they mean to you
How to select colors
What you should know about search engines
Is pay per click for you
How articles can help your business
How to write your own ads
Promoting with ezines
What are joint ventures
What you need know about autoresponders
Why have a newsletter and a blog
Should you have your own forum
Software needs
Mailing list

If you have a bottomless wallet, you can continue to buy program after program and attend endless seminars, or you can find all the information you need in one click.
Finally, master online promotion and learn how to make a decent income on the internet. Others do it and so can you!

Ezy-Internet Safety Guide

Ezy-Internet Safety Guide By John Williams (About The Author)

What "THEY" Say...
Some say that you aren't truly indoctrinated to the Internet until you have totally crashed a computer and lost all your data! Let's hope you never have to test that theory!
It's a good bet that if you are reading this, you at least have a basic grasp of how to operate your computer. And, if you are a techno-geek you don't need to be here.
If, however, you are just beginning your online odyssey or have already tread the murky waters and stepped on a snapping turtle, read on.
How to Have a "Safe" Trip
Navigating the Internet is simple and easy. Navigating the Internet SAFELY is another matter.
There are tons of resources where you can go to learn about firewalls, anti-virus programs, malware and so on. BUT, try and find just ONE resource that covers it all and you'll run smack dab up against a brick wall! Until now, that is.
The Ezy-Internet Safety Guide is written specifically for you and is designed to be your "one-stop-shop" for internet safety. In fact, it is guaranteed to make your online experience a positive one!
Want to learn The Truth About Web Safety? John has laid out the perfect blueprint to make your Internet experience a pleasant one at minimum cost and absolutely zero stress!
When FREE isn't FREE at all. . .
Got a question about that new whiz bang security software you saw the other day? Find out if it's what you really need. John "tells it like it is" and maybe that costly program isn't the best answer to your situation.
You can also learn when "FREE" really isn't the great deal it seems to be. Remember, you get what you pay for and John shows you just how to stay out of that trap and learn when "FREE" really isn't "FREE" at all! In fact, you might just end up saving yourself from a very costly mistake!
Okay, What Else?
How about a full plate of resources and tools. Take a look:
Making your computer safer - backups, files and passwords
Safety Software - what works, updates, scans and suppliers
Nasty Stuff - all about spyware, malware, viruses, worms and trojans
And, as if that weren't enough do you have any idea of just how dangerous that email message from your best buddy can be?
You will also discover just how easy it can be for good people to be scammed and what you can do about it.
All in all you will find that The Ezy-Internet Safety Guide is a jam-packed resource that you will definitely keep right on your desktop in easy reach because you will refer to it time and again.
Don't wait grab your copy now and see how well you measure up to the safety guidelines. You'll be glad you did!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Make Your Own Website

Make Your Own Website By John Williams
About The Author

"Here's the definitive, step-by-step guidefor developing a website that willmake your revenues soar in any economy."
How Much MORE Money Would YouMake If You Had Your Own Website??
Do you remember the day you decided to create a business online? Can you recall the adrenaline that surged through your body as your mind took over and developed an attitude of believability?
Your mind was racing with ideas on how to put your newfound knowledge to work. Your ears kept hearing that sound in the back of your mind that was almost a mantra. . .ka-ching – ka-ching – ka-ching!
If this describes you, raise your hand! Okay, you get the drift.
What happened to all that energy? Where is the optimism? Did you just get frustrated and give up?
Or, was it the big, bad, boogey man “confusion?” Or maybe it was his sidekick “frustration?”
Maybe you came to realize that you are competing with hundreds of other marketers all fighting for the attention of the same customer as you.
At this point most people realize the first order of business had better be a website. And that’s where the dream comes to a screeching halt. Even if they plan on doing no more than marketing as an affiliate for someone else, the fact is a website is necessary to “captcha” your visitors.
You owe it to yourself to acquire a website. You can pay someone to design it for you OR you can build it yourself and feel the wonderful results it can bring. And now you can build it absolutely free!
So what’s the secret? The secret is Make Your Own Website – An Ezy-Internet Guide. Now before you start groaning, “not another do it yourself ecourse” you need to listen up and pay attention!
Make Your Own Website – An Ezy-Internet Guide is not just another pretty face. This guide was written by a very experienced online marketer who isn’t afraid to tell it like it is. Jump over to the author page and you’ll see what we mean.
According to John, many people believe that there is no way that “ordinary” people like us can do that without special training or a large budget, or that it’s just too hard or too expensive!
But, he has helped hundreds of people who had little computer knowledge to make their own web sites and put them on to the Internet.
The thing is, he’s put together his own strategies and created a method he likes to call “How to make a website - for people with much better things to do!”
The result of his method is Make Your Own Website – An Ezy-Internet Guide and here’s just a taste of what you will find inside:
Ø Preparing for action – where to get started
Ø All about security programs – backing up your files
Ø Essential computer programs – what you need and what you don’t
Ø Storing your files – how to use your computer effectively
Ø Transferring files to your website – what you need to know about ftp, c-panel and a web page editor
Ø Selecting a name for your website – choose it carefully
Ø Finding a home for your site – you need a good landlord to rent from
Ø Web designs to attract and appeal – a template can do the trickif done correctly
Ø Adding your own content
Ø What to change on a template
Ø Where to find the best freebies
Ø Tips and tricks and much, much more
Most of what John shares with you is absolutely free. If you’ve fallen out of favor with internet marketing just for lack of a website or the funds to have it done, you owe it to yourself to try this method and experience the wonderful results it can bring.
There’s no excuse for anyone to fail and every reason to succeed when you use Make Your Own Website – An Ezy-Internet Guide.